
Showing posts from June, 2020

The unseen photo of kylie Jenner fun

DEPRESSION                                  Depress →  down feel, sadden, harrow, deject these are synonym of depress. Depression is a common illness that’s negatively affects how you feel, believe and swing your mood persistently into the darken side.                  Signs and symptom of depressed mind: You may be depressed if, for more than a couple weeks, you felts a sad, down or measurable most of the time or loosen interest on usual activities and have episode of several sign and symptoms at least that categories below. It’s important to remember that many of the sign and symptom match in your daily work life that’s doesn’t meant we are depressed. Equally who has experiencing depression might not have the all symptoms. Behaviors: * Irritability and behavior out of character *stay home *Withdraw and isolate *Cut off from the others *Not go out *Not do much Felling: *Overwhelmed * Mood may vary through the day, tending to be worse in the mornings * Lethargic *anxious * Sad or mood

why mental health matter?

MENTAL HEALTH A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. Given definition is simple a person having no problem in thinking, believing, loving, caring and socially accepted by others. But is that easy how its describe, off course that’s not easy. The main concern is why it’s too hard being mentally stable here are some points that might linked with yours life: A) The competitive world: A baby born when he won the race, that’s where start, every own want to be successful. They want to live a life where every own can say he/she living a dream of others. But that’s not easy you have do a lot of struggle, beg, sell yourself to live how you planned. In between these part that’s where the competitive world start as like you there’s lot of people were out there who wants a same things as you want.  For an example an actor audition:   one of my friend started his career in acting at the age of 15, by the age of 28 he lose his faith towards the au

Anatomy and physiology Respiratory system Note

Respiratory System             Organ of respiratory System are: • Nose (nasal cavity) *Pharynx *Larynx  *Trachea *Two bronchi (one bronchus to each lunge)  *Bronchioles and Smaller air passage *Two Lungs and their covering the pleura *muscle of breathing - The intercostal muscle and the diaphragm.   Nose and Nasal cavity: * Main route of air entry and consists of Large irregular cavity divided into the two equal passage by a septum.   Posterior bony part of Septum: is formed by Perpendicular of ethmoid bone and vomer. Anteriorly part of septum is formed by: Hyaline cartilage The Roof of septum is formed by: *Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone *Sphenoid bone *Nasal bone * Frontal bone.   Lining of the nasal cavity: Ciliated columnar epithelium It consist of mucus secreting or producing cell called goblet cells   Nasal mucus gland:   Secrete mucus throughout the nasal air passage.   Sinus:   A sinus is a sac or cavity in any or

Anatomy and Physiology Nervous System Note

·          Nervous System  Nervous   System:      It's consist of two Anatomic divisions I.                  The central nervous system     A) Brain and Spinal cord : They are enclosed by Skull and vertebral column respectively. II.             The Peripheral nervous system A) CRANIAL NERVE : It carries impulse to and from the brain   B) SPINAL NERVE . It carries Impulse to and from the spinal Cord.        The Central Nervous System:  The brain and Spinal cord are protected by bony and membranous covering:  Meninges are: * Dura Mater (outer and tough Layer) *Arachnoid Mater (Middle and delicate layer) * Pia-mater (Innermost layer and very delicate firmly attached to a brain).    Cerebraspinal Fluid : (0.5ml /min Produce) 750ml/day Normally clear, colorless and odorless fluid. - It fills in the ventricles of brain Sub arachnoid Spaces of the brain and the Spinal Cord.  - Produces Ependymal cells (choroid plexus)     It's composed of Water, Small amount of Protein, oxygen and car


Sittution of COVID-19 in Nepal      Coronavirus disease 2019  ( COVID-19 ) is an  infectious disease  caused by  severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2  (SARS-CoV-2). [10]  It was first identified in December 2019 in  Wuhan ,  China , and has resulted in  an ongoing pandemic . [11] [12]  The first confirmed case has been traced back to 17 November 2019. [13]  Traces of the virus have been found in December-2019 wastewater that was collected from  Milan  and  Turin . [14]  As of 22 June 2020,  more than 8.91   million cases  have been reported across 188 countries and territories, resulting in  more than 466,000 deaths . More than 4.41   million people have recovered. and fatel cases around 467K in number. In Nepal confirmed cases=9026 Recovered=1,579 Deaths=23 These data shows how Nepal is affected by covid -19. But in case of management government shows a little bit concern only as per our prime minister Kp sharma oli views he describe covid-19 as a simple cold which can be t

Malnutrition and its type/

Malnutrition  is a condition that results from eating a diet in which one or more nutrients are either not enough or are too much such that the diet causes health problems. It may involve calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins or minerals. Causes:  Lack of food: this is common among the low income group as well as those who are homeless. Those having difficulty eating due to painful teeth or other painful lesions of the mouth. Those with dysphagia or difficulty swallowing are also at risk of malnutrition. This could be due to a blockage in the throat or mouth or due to sores in the mouth. Loss of appetite. Common causes of loss of appetite include cancers, tumours, depressive illness and other mental illnesses, liver or kidney disease, chronic infections etc. Those with a limited knowledge about nutrition tend to follow an unhealthy diet with not enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals and are at risk of malnutrition. Elderly living alone, disabled persons living alone or youn